In response to the theatrical animation “ONE PIECE FILM RED” being released on August 6, the documentary program “Seven Rules” (Kantele Fuji TV) broadcast on August 9 will play the role of the main character Monkey D. Luffy. Mayumi Tanaka plays her.
The program closely follows a woman active in various fields, delving into her true face using the “7 things I always do = seven rules” as clues. The broadcast on August 9 will appear in many famous works such as Luffy, who has been playing for 22 years, Pazu in “Castle in the Sky,” and Krillin in the “Dragon Ball” series. Tanaka is active in a wide range of fields, such as the stage (director of the theater company “Oh, Peretta”). She closely follows the post-recording scene of “ONE PIECE,” the movie event, the location of the stage and the rehearsal room, her private life and her home, which has been unveiled for the first time on TV and approaches the seven rules of Mayumi Tanaka, a voice actor who continues to be active on the front lines.
“Seven Rules,” closely related to Tanaka, will be broadcast on Kantere and Fuji TV’s nationwide network (excluding some areas) from 11:00 pm on August 9.