Kentaro Miura the creator of “Berserk” has passed away on May 6, 2021 at the age of 54 years old!
His work has influenced a large part of Seinen and over-all fantasy stories around the world through his amazing storytelling and breathtaking art.
Rest in Peace Legend 💔

Kentaro Miura, creator of the long-running dark fantasy manga Berserk – one of the smash hit manga series at any point composed – has passed on at 54 years old.
His US publisher Dark Horse Comics, portraying Miura as a “master artist and storyteller”, said he had endured an intense aortic analyzation and passed on 6 May. “He will be enormously missed. Our sympathies go out to his family and friends and family.”
The Japanese artist was most popular for Berserk, which he wroteand drew. It first launched in 1989 and has been running from that point since. Set in a world enlivened by middle age Europe, it follows the narrative of the hired soldier Guts, a hero with an huge sword and an iron hand, and Griffith, head of the hired fighter Band of the Hawk. Dull, rough, and comical, Berserk raced to 40 volumes with more than 35m duplicates sold around the world, as indicated by its Japanese publisher Hakusensha. It was likewise adjusted into anime TV series, movies, and computer games.
Miura’s character plans were gigantically persuasive on different comics and games, including Dynasty Warriors, Final Fantasy, and Dark Souls. On Thursday, a large number of fans were gathering on the web to honor Miura, holding virtual memorials in video games like Final Fantasy XIV.
“Our most profound sympathies and genuine petitions for this appalling misfortune,” said Hisashi Koinuma, maker of the computer game Berserk and the Band of the Hawk.
Berserk’s editor at Dark Horse, Chris Warner, has described the series as “a harrowing dark fantasy of monumental depth, intricacy, and daringness”, whose “shocking visual embroidery resembles nothing else in realistic fiction … While the horror and violence are at times disturbing and unquestionably adult, Miura actually figures out how to deliver certified feeling and a lot of humor,” said Warner, while declaring in 2017 that more than 1.2m copies had been sold in North America.