Collaboration with the TV anime “Higurashi When They Cry” has been realized as the third collaboration of “A Couple of Cuckoo,” which was decided to be made into a TV animation in 2022. A collaboration visual of Erika Amano from “A Couple of Cuckoos” and Rena Ryugu from “Higurashi When They Cry” has been released.
Then, we will hold a gift campaign where 50 people will randomly receive a particular transparent file using collaboration visuals. You can participate by following both the “A Couple of Cuckoo” TV anime the TV anime “Higurashi When They Cry” and RT the campaign tweets.
Also, a gift campaign for goods using collaboration visuals will be held in “Weekly Shonen Magazine,” which is serialized in “A Couple of Cuckoos,” so check it out as well.