Episode 7, “My Hero,” of the TV anime “Megumi no Daigo: Salvation Orange,” which is based on the new work of Masato Soda’s popular manga “Megumi no Daigo,” which depicts the activities of firefighters, will be aired on Yomiuri Television and Nippon Television. It will be broadcast on November 11th at 5:30 pm.
The Hotel News Nisys fire was said to be the “worst fire in history.” Yuki Nakamura was present at the 10th anniversary memorial service. Yuki lost four members of his family and was himself involved in the fire. What comes to mind is the image of the “hero” who saved him, the legendary rescue worker Daigo Asahina.
The media keeps asking questions to Yuki, who is the youngest and first woman to qualify as a special rescue team. Just as Yuki was about to express the true feelings that she had suppressed, Daigo Asahina’s one and only partner, Shirou Amakasu, appeared to interrupt her.
“Megumi no Daigo: Rescue of the Country Orange” began serialization in “Monthly Shonen Magazine” (Kodansha) in October 2020. The story depicts the growth of three young firefighters who inherited the spirit of Daigo Asahina, the main character of “Megumi no Daigo.”
Three firefighters, Daigo Jushu, Shun Akeda, and Yuki Nakamura, aim to become members of the elite Special Rescue Team (commonly known as Orange). The anime will be directed by Masahiko Murata, known for “Baby Steps” and “To the Immortal Anata,” and will be produced by Brain’s Base.
Cast (titles omitted)
Daigo Jushu: Junya Enoki ▽ Shun Akeda: Taku Yashiro ▽ Yuki Nakamura: Ayane Sakura ▽ Sadaie Matoi: Yuichi Nakamura ▽ Kyosuke Yamagami: Toru Inada ▽ Hasebe: Yohei Azagami ▽ Watari: Ryota Iwasaki ▽ Daigo Asahina: Katsuyuki Konishi ▽ Amakasu Shiro: Takehito Koyasu▽Narration: Kenjiro Tsuda