The production committee of the animation “Jigami-chan Drop Kick X” (Jigami-chan), which is attracting attention with a new initiative to post videos before the latest episode broadcast, will take further measures against the illegal clipping videos that are prevailing on the video site. On the 21st, it was revealed that the third episode, which is being broadcast, will be divided into about 100 episodes and distributed on the official YouTube channel.
Yorozu-Kazuki Yanase, the promotion producer of “Evil God” who responded to the news coverage, said, “I’m thinking of uploading all the episodes of the third term in about 100 divisions. If I upload all of them, it’s already illegal. I don’t think there is any reason to upload it. ” The video will be released soon. “If this goes well, I’d like to expand to TikTok and Nico Nico Douga next time,” he said.
It was announced that the famous virtual singer Hatsune Miku would appear in the 3rd season of “Dropkick on My Devil,” which started broadcasting on TV Tokyo in July and was attracting attention. According to Mr. Yanase, after the first episode was published, many illegally uploaded clipping videos were posted, centering on the appearance scene of Hatsune Miku. Some were confirmed to have been played more than 5.5 million times. She countered and produced the same clipping video as the illegal video and uploaded it after the first and second episodes were broadcast. Still, she was “defeated” in the number of views. From regret, she came up with a secret plan that could only be officially done. “If you upload the clipping video before the TV broadcast, this will not be defeated.” On the 18th, the day before the episode 3 broadcast, “[earlier than illegal] Evil God-chan episode 3 Hatsune Miku appearance scene” was posted. We have not confirmed any videos with more views than the official clipping video and achieved her long-sought “first victory.”
The hurdles for applying to delete illegal videos vary depending on the animation. Major publishers and animation companies often have introduced an automatic identification system, “Content ID,” and it is said that AI has established a mechanism to delete illegal videos even if they are uploaded automatically. On the other hand, Mr. Yanase exclaimed, “I don’t have it in the animation of mid-sized companies like” Jakujin-chan, “so I have to spend money to deal with it.” There is no guarantee that the cost will be reduced, so he said, “It’s a big problem that is very difficult to deal with.” Therefore, instead of deleting it, we carried out a “flying release” to make Google recognize the official video as genuine. “I was able to teach Google’s algorithms that this is the real thing before anyone else, and I found it to be quite helpful in solving problems,” he said.
If the sequel to the anime is broadcast until the third season, it will not be easy to acquire new fans. The number of YouTube subscribers for “Jigami-chan” has almost doubled to 137,000 before the broadcast. The number of followers on Twitter has also increased by 17,000 to over 63,000. Many people have seen related videos on the official channel triggered by the clipping video in which Hatsune Miku appears and the video “Jigami-chan, torn to the left and right!” Has been played more than 1.21 million times by the 21st.
In addition to attracting a great deal of attention due to his “injury merit,” Mr. Yanase is confident that “the fun of” Evil God “3rd term itself is one of the reasons for the increase in fans.” Expectations are high for a new attempt to divide the first episode of the third term of 23 minutes 39 seconds into about 100. Mr. Yanase said, “I would like to learn know-how from illegal uploads, utilize the advice and translations of fans, and deliver official content to many people.” We will continue trial and error to destroy illegal videos.