The animation ” Mobile Suit Gundam Witch of Mercury ” reached its final episode on July 2nd. Many related keywords are trending on Twitter.
We will not directly touch on the spoilers of the content, but there is a possibility that information related to the content will be included in the trend words. Immediately after the final episode aired, the Twitter trend column was full of words that appeared in the series, such as “Witch of Mercury,” “Gundam,” ” Caliburn,” and ” Sretta .” You can see that many people posted their impressions of the same work.
After the broadcast, there was a lot of commotion about releasing the mysterious gunplay “New Product B” and the sudden announcement of the theatrical version ” Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM. “
The trend also includes words related to restrictions on viewing posts on Twitter. Since the start of the limitations overlapped with the broadcast of the final episode, there have been comments such as, “I can’t express my thoughts because of Twitter restrictions,” and “I can’t share this excitement because of API restrictions.”