Yoshihiro Togashi’s manga “HUNTER x HUNTER” will resume serialization in “Weekly Shonen Jump” No. 47, 2022 (published by Shueisha) on October 24th.
“HUNTER x HUNTER” will resume serialization for the first time in about three and 11 months since the magazine’s 52nd issue in 2018. In the 22nd issue of No. 47, “No. Furthermore, on November 4th, 37 volumes of comics will be released. A total of 10 episodes from No.381 “Predation” to No.390 “Collision 1” are included, and the price is 528 yen (tax included).
“HUNTER x HUNTER,” which started serialization in “Weekly Shonen Jump” 14th issue in 1998, is about a boy named Gon who left his hometown, along with Leorio, Kurapika, and Killua, who met in the hunter exam, overcoming many trials and growing. Draw a figure The peculiar characters, such as Hisoka and Chrollo, and the story full of originality have captured readers’ hearts.
The cumulative circulation of the series has surpassed 84 million copies (including digital), and media mixes such as two TV animations and games have been widely performed.