The animated movie “Theatrical Version” Kimetsu no Yaiba “Infinite Train Edition” based on Koyoharu Gotouge collaborated with four fashion and beauty magazines from Shueisha. On the cover of each paper, different illustrations drawn by animation are used.
This is ” This is to commemorate the release of the Blu-ray / DVD of “The Movie” Devil’s Blade “Infinite Train Edition” on June 16th. The magazines that collaborate on the cover are the July issue of MEN’S NON-NO released on June 9, the August issue of MAQUIA released on 22nd, the August issue of SPUR released on 23rd, and the August issue of MORE released on 28th. .. In addition, the regular version and special edition of MEN’S NON-NO and MORE, SPUR also includes an appendix of “Theatrical version” Kimetsu no Yaiba “Infinite Train Edition”. On the cover of the July issue of MEN’S NON-NO, Sumijiro and Purgatory appear in black and white. As an appendix, 3 types of files designed with the famous scenes drawn in “Theatrical Version” Kimetsu no Yaiba “Infinite Train Edition” and a 4-piece set of book covers will be prepared. On the cover of the August issue of MAQUIA, three people, Sumijiro, Sadako, and Purgatory, are placed with beautiful flowers. In the August issue of SPUR, Sumijiro, Sadako, and Purgatory holding hands on the cover is drawn with a psychedelic pattern, and a clear file using the same illustration. Also included. On the cover of the August issue of MORE, the scene in which Sumijiro and Anjuro are sleeping, which was depicted in the movie, is reproduced. In the appendix, a hardcover “pillar set notebook BOOK” with a rich feeling was developed. * The official notation is “Ne” for “Mamiko” and “East” for “Purgatory”.