The second episode of the popular anime “Kimetsu no Yaiba” the second episode of “Kimetsu no Yaiba” (Fuji TV series, every Sunday from 11:15 pm) was broadcast on the 12th. The following two episodes have been released on the official Aniplex YouTube channel.
In the second episode, Sumijiro dressed as a woman appeared and would appear at the following notice. Fans responded to this by saying, “Three transvestites were too cute,” “Crossdresser Kamaboko is cute!”, “Beautiful, Inosuke!” ing.
In the second period, the continuation of “Theatrical Version” Devil’s Blade “Infinite Train Edition” is drawn, and Charcoal Jiro and others live together with Umeda Tengen, one of the highest swordfighters in the demon slaughter corps. A story is heading to the Yukako.