On the official Shin-Ei Animation YouTube channel “Shin-Ei Animation [Official],” all 312 episodes of “NINJA Hattori-Kun Returns” will be distributed sequentially for a limited time. From February 22, which is “Ninja Day.”
“NINJA Hattori-Kun Returns” is an animation produced for India in 2012. Since the Japanese animation “Ninja Hattori-Kun” gained popularity in India, it was made for India. The basic setting is based on the original “Ninja Hattori-Kun,” but the story is arranged in a modern style. There is. It is a “reimported anime” dubbed Japanese for “Hattori-Kun for India.”
In this distribution, in addition to the main animation, unique videos that can only be seen on the official YouTube channel are scheduled to be released. Since February 22, the first distribution day is also “Cat Day,” “Ninja Day x Cat Day Memorial Special Video” will be distributed. “NINJA Hattori-Kun Returns” related videos are scheduled to be broadcast every Tuesday and Thursday. The distribution schedule for February 22 is as follows (the leading animation and unique videos will be released for 45 days).