The first episode of the web animation ” Minamoto no Tametomo ” set in Kamimine Town, Saga Prefecture, has been distributed on the official YouTube channel of Kamimine Town from December 2nd.
This work is based on the “Legend of Tametomo” in Kamimine Town, where Minamoto no Tametomo, a military commander at the end of the Heian period, stayed. The short movie delivered in December last year has exceeded 3 million views, and it is now being newly produced as a series of 1 episode, 5 minutes, and 13 episodes in total. After the second episode, one episode will be delivered every month from May 2010.
For the theme song, “TIME-TO-MORE,” written by the rock band “Unicorn,” with the theme of Tametomo is appointed. Production IG is in charge of animation production.
The director and character design are:
- Toshiyuki Yahagi (” Joker Game ” character design).
- Series composition and screenplay by Taku Kishimoto.
- Music by Taku Iwasaki.
Saga-born actress Yasuko Matsuyuki will be the narrator, and Shunsuke Takeuchi will be in charge of Hachiro Zhensai (Minamoto no Tametomo). The full comments of the two are as follows.
After hearing the story (in charge of narration), I was excited to see Unicorn’s song and short movie, and I was excited to see that a very dynamic and epic story would begin. I narrated with the feeling of “N!”.
It was a narration recording at the stage when the picture (animation) was being brushed up more and more, so it was a narration while imagining the picture (completed animation). Since the narration flows in the last of each episode, we recorded each episode carefully.
Would you please take a look at this work, which was completed by gathering beautiful creators born from the small town of Kamimine in the anime Minamoto no Tametomo?
I will be in charge of the voice of Tametomo. This is Shunsuke Takeuchi. It is a great honor to participate in such a project this time.
Tametomo is a person who has the impression of being a “big violent person” in historical fact, but in this work, he is depicted as a young man who grows up by touching the love of others. I would like you to pay attention to how he draws his life.
From here on, it’s a private matter.
Recently, there was an event that reminded me of the nature and culture of Japan and the splendor of the people who coexisted with and protected them. Through this work, I would like to convey the love of Kamimine Town, which has handed down the character of Tametomo, and the beauty of the townscape.