In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the animation production company Aiken, which has worked on ” Sazae-san, “Captain,” ” Bonobono, “etc., the exhibition “50 years with Anime Sazae-san” will be held at Yokohama Takashimaya from August 4, 2021.
The world of animation produced by Eiken- “will be held. Along with this, information on pre-sale goods has been released.
This event, “50 years with Sazae-san-The world of animation produced by Aiken-” has been produced by Aiken for 50 years. A plan to exhibit the works. At the venue, “Captain x Keroppi ” and “Bonobono x Pochakko, “Including collaboration goods with Sanrio characters, new products will be sold in advance.
“50 Years with Anime Sazae-The World of Animation Produced by Aiken-” will be held at Yokohama Takashimaya Gallery from August 4 to 23rd. For details, please visit the unique website for the 50th anniversary of “Aiken.”
- Captain x Kerokero Keroppi ・ Baseball T-shirt ・ T-shirt ・ Tote bag ・ Acrylic key chain (blind) ・ Clear case (A5 size) ・ Pass case ・ Lunch box ・ Accessory case (with ramune)・ Can badge (blind) * Heartwarming x Pochakko ・ Clear case (A5 size) ・ Tape cutter ・ Glass case ・ Acrylic key chain (blind) ・ Can badge (blind) ・ Mirror ・ Pass case ・ Shell type pouch ・ Sticker ・ Tote bag ・T-shirts / Big T-shirts [New products]
- Captain, sticker book, accessory case, acrylic key chain, glass case (C) MIKIO IGARASHI / TAKESHOBO, FUJI TELEVISION, EIKEN (C) Akio Chiba, EK (C) 2021 SANRIO CO., LTD.TOKYO, JAPAN (L) (C) 2021 SANRIO CO., LTD. APPROVAL NO. S620822