The broadcast schedule of the “Seiken Densetsu Legend of Mana -The Teardrop Crystal-“, the first anime adaptation of the popular game “Seiken Densetsu” series, has been decided. From 1:25 midnight on October 7th, it will be broadcast within the “Super Animeism” frame of 28 MBS/TBS nationwide networks. Wataru Takagi, Misaki Kuno, and seven others have also been revealed.
The work produced to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Square Enix’s “Seiken Densetsu” series is an anime adaptation of the 4th series “Seiken Densetsu Legend of Mana” released in 1999. One of the main scenarios of the main game, “Jewel Thief” is visualized, and Shiloh (Nobunaga Shimazaki *Zaki) meets a princess of the “Tamami” tribe who has jewels buried in her chest. Hatatsu Saki is the official notation), but the adventures surrounding the gems of Tamami will unfold.
The cast announced this time will play characters such as those who live in the town of Domina that appear in the story. Takagi will play Nikita, Kuno will play Yuka-chan, Hiroshi Ianaka will play Nouvel, Chizai Morinaga will play Sojin, Minami Takahashi will play Rachel (the official name for Taka is Hashigodaka), Shinpachi Tsuji will play Inspector Boyd, and Mark will play the role. The role will be played by Makoto Homura.
In addition, a commercial video featuring the voices of Shiloh and others has also been released.