Marcey Naito, the author of the manga “Tying the Knot with a Sweet God,” serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine, updated her Twitter on the 11th and released an illustration of Anya from the popular manga “SPY x FAMILY.”
Mr. Naito was an assistant to Mr. Negi Haruba, the author of the popular manga “The Quintessential Quintessential.” On Twitter, he posted an illustration of the character Anya, saying, “One piece was charming to commemorate the end of watching the anime.”
Fans responded to the appearance of Anya holding hands with her family, such as “Anya has drawn by Mr. Mercy is cute,” “The best!”, “You can see Mr. Mercy’s Anya!” There is.
This work is a romantic comedy by the examinee’s male hero and the shrine’s three sisters. Volume 6 of the comic will be released on the 15th.