The TV anime “Amagami-san Chi no Enmusubi,” based on the original work by Naito Marcy, will start airing on October 1 at midnight. In addition to releasing the official PV, Momoiro Clover Z will be responsible for the opening theme.
In this PV, the world in which the Amagami sisters and the main character, Uwasu Uryu, live is vividly expressed with transparent film. You can also hear the character voices of Tsuruyama Hakujitsu, played by Anzai Chika, and Amagami Chidori, played by Shimada Bin, as well as the opening theme “Yawaku Koishite ~Zutto Bokura de Iramaeru Yo ni~” by Momoiro Clover Z. Comments have also arrived from Momoiro Clover Z, Otsuki Kenji, who wrote the lyrics for the song, and NARASAKI, who composed the music. In addition, a preview screening with a talk event with the cast will be held at Shinjuku Piccadilly in Tokyo on September 5.
The event will feature Uesaka Sumire, who plays Amagami Yorishige; Hondo Kaede, who plays Amagami Yuna; Wakayama Shion, who plays Amagami Asahime; and Suzuki Ryota, who plays Kamisue Uryu. “Amagami-san Chi no Enmusubi” is a love comedy about a high school student, Kamisue Uryu, who is aiming to enter Kyoto University’s medical school, being taken in by the chief priest of Amagami Shrine in Kyoto and living with the three shrine maiden sisters, Yorishige, Yuna, and Asahime. The original story by Naito is currently being serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine (Kodansha).
Momoiro Clover Z comment: I’ve been asked to sing the theme song for Amagami-san Chi no Enmusubi! I’m pleased. Thank you! The melody and lyrics are filled with a sad fantasy, and the graceful and elegant atmosphere of the three sisters is linked to the work, so I felt like I was Uryu-kun when I sang. I hope many people will enjoy the work! So, who will you choose?
Comment from Kenji Ohtsuki (Lyricist): This is the first collaboration between Momoiro Clover Z and Tokusatsu since “Party Now.” It’s interesting how they combined different characters. We received feedback from the anime side regarding the lyrics, and I also participated in the chorus a little during the recording. It will be a song everyone will love and sing for a long time.
Comment from NARASAKI (Composer): The theme that came to mind when I read the original work was universality. If Momoclo were to create a sweet atmosphere like the A & M Records of the 1960s, it would be a good balance, so I started producing it. Although it is under Tokusatsu, a brass and string quartet added flowers to the arrangement. I would be happy if it becomes a song that will continue to be loved for a long time. zTV anime “Amagami-san Chi no Enmusubi” Broadcast information TV Tokyo network of 6 stations, BS Nippon TV, etc.: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, from 24:00 Staff Original work: Naito Marcy (serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine) Director: Abe Yujiro Assistant Director: Watanabe Hiroshi Series Composition: Aoki Yasuko Character Design: Iizuka Haruko Sound Director: Yamaguchi Takayuki Music: Kawasaki Ryu / Kono Tomoyuki Animation Production: Drive Cast Uesugi Uryu: Suzuki Ryota Amagami Yaju: Uesaka Sumire Amagami Yuna: Hondo Kaede Amagami Asahime: Wakayama Shion Anenokoji Maihiru: Mizuki Nana Tsuruyama Hakujitsu: Anzai Chika Tsuruyama Hakujitsu: Anzai