Based on Kenta Shinohara’s original work, the TV anime Witch Watch will be broadcast on 28 MBS and TBS affiliates nationwide from April 2025. It will air for two consecutive seasons every Sunday at 5:00 p.m.
“5:00 pmatch,” serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump (Shueisha), is a “magical comedy” about Wakatsuki Nico, a clumsy witch in training, and her childhood friend, Otogi Morihito, a high school student with demon powers. The story begins when Morihito lives with Nico and becomes familiar with who protects her. Nico will be played by Kawaguchi Rina and Morihito by Suzuki Ryota. Four new cast members have also been announced.
Nico and Morihito’s homeroom teacher, Masuku Yuri, will be played by Komatsu Mikako; Takahashi Rie will play their classmate Minami Kara; Kohara Yoshimi and Kiyomiya Tenryu will play Ureshino Kukumi. Matsuoka Yoshitsugu will play the student council president of Aobahi Private High School, where Nico and the others attend. The four have provided comments on their appearances.
The first trailer, also released simultaneously, features the characters’ voices, including the four announced to appear this time. It gives us a glimpse into Nico and Morihito’s difficult life together. Comment from Komatsu Mikako (Masuku Yuri): What I would say about the work’s appeal is its high otaku definition! There are many different fields and genres of otaku, but the amount of information it delves into is…impressive. I was very touched when I discovered the meaning of the title “Witch Watch”!! Enthusiasm for playing Masuku Yuri Once Masuku starts talking (in his mind), he can’t stop, so he’s fluent. It’s all about his excitement, voice, and speaking ability. He switches between his inner voice and the voice he says out loud with a great tempo, so he’s fluent. His exchanges with Ureshino-san are fluent, fluent, fluent, very fluent. Comment from Takahashi Rie (role of Minami Kara) About the work’s appeal: It’s a lively conversation, but somehow, it feels strange. But sometimes, it’s cool, and it warms my heart.
The characters are funny, lovable, and full of energy. It’s difficult to put into words, but I feel like it’s a work full of charm in every frame, like “everything about Shinohara-sensei!” Enthusiasm for playing Minami Kara: I grew up laughing a lot at Shinohara-sensei’s works, so I’m very honored to be able to take on such a fun character as Kara-chan! I always give my all to the director’s cheerful directions during the dubbing. In the original work, Gara-chan is a bright and cheerful character, but by moving and talking, I hope to make her even more intense and lively, livening up the atmosphere around Nico! Comment from Kohara Yoshimi (role of Ureshino Kukumi) About the appeal of the work The appeal of this work is that there are no sane people! I think so (laughs).
Because the original work is so great, the dubbing is lively, and I laugh out loud every time. Of course, the main characters and each individual’s name and personality are unique, so you can feel the teacher’s love, and viewers will feel happy ♫ and enthusiastic about playing Ureshino Kukumi. At first glance, she seems like a quiet and calm girl, but…
There is also a part of her that is not calm, so I looked forward to playing her, but I was also very nervous (laughs). When I played her, I felt Kukumi’s humanity and more affection for her. How will it air? I’m looking forward to it ♫ , Matsuoka Yoshitsugu (role of Kiyomiya Tenryu). Comment About the appeal of the work. It’s a real talent that there is no boring character (laughs). Even if you dig deep into each individual, it’s just so funny, and it made me laugh out loud at home for the first time in a while and moisturized my heart. It’s not just gags but also a subtle depiction of love, and the pace is just right.
Enthusiasm for playing Kiyomiya Tenryu is a role I can play naturally, so I wonder if it’s normal for the president to be a strange person. This is normal for the student council in this world…! I tried to make her seem normal. But she’s had a lot of hardships, so please be kind to her. TV anime “Witch Watch” Broadcasting will begin in April 2025 on 28 MBS and TBS affiliated stations nationwide, every Sunday from 5:00 PM for5:00 consecutive seasons.
Staff Original work: Kenta Shinohara (serialized in Shueisha’s “Weekly Shonen Jump”) Director: Hiroshi Ikehata
Assistant Director: Masao Kawase Series Composition: Deko Akao Character Design: Haruko Iizuka Sub-character Design: Yoshiaki Sugimura, Yuki Sawa Art Director: Sekkei (Kusanagi) Art Settings: Yuki Takeuchi (Kusanagi), Masayuki Nizuma (Senju Koubou) Color Design: Yuiha Ota Director of Photography: Hisashi Yonezawa Editing: Mutsumi Takemiya Music: Yukari Hashimoto Sound Director: Yuki Gobumi Sound Production: Bit Groove Promotion Animation Production: Vibrant Animation Studio
Staff: Wakatsuki Nico: Kawaguchi Rina, Otogi Morihito: Suzuki Ryota, Kazematsuri Kanji: Amasaki Kohei, Magami Keigo: Ishikawa Kaito, Miyao Nemu: Kusunoki Tomori, Masuku Yuri: Komatsu Mikako, Minami Gara: Takahashi Rie, Ureshino Kukumi: Kohara Yoshimi, Kiyomiya Tenryu: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu. *The official spelling of Amasaki Kohei’s name is Tatsusaki.