Animation studio GoHands has decided to produce a completely original new anime project, “Momentary Lily.” Broadcast is scheduled for January 2025, and a teaser visual and teaser PV have also been released.
GoHands is a talented animation studio with representative works such as “The Girl I Love Forgot My Glasses” and “The Intelligent Cat is Melancholy Today”, which combines 2D and 3D to a high standard and is highly acclaimed for its high-quality animation.
The teaser visual released this time depicts two high school girls chatting on top of a building with a Shibuya-like streetscape in the background. Is this world set in reality? Who are these girls? The result is a visual that evokes a variety of imaginations.
In addition, the teaser PV features many beautiful landscape cuts inspired by somewhere in Japan and ends with a cut of a mysterious girl who also appears in the teaser visual. The content raises expectations about what kind of story the girls will weave.