Studio Ghibli’s animated film “Castle in the Sky” (released in 1986), directed, written, and written by Hayao Miyazaki, made its 18th debut on Nippon Television’s “Friday Road Show” (9:00 p.m.) on the 12th. became on air.
At around 11:25 pm, the main characters, boy Pazu and girl Sita cast the spell of destruction “Balus” in the play. This time as well, on Twitter, there were many SNS posts in advance, where viewers were eagerly awaiting the “Barusu Festival”, where viewers muttered “Barusu” at the same time as the lines. “Laputa” has been leading the trend even before the broadcast. After the start, “Barusu”, “Friday Road Show”, and “Robot Soldier” also entered the top ten.
“-Laputa” is an action-adventure drama set in Laputa, a castle in the sky where Pazu and Sheeta visit mysterious stones and flying stones. Near the end of the story, the two main characters shout “Balus”, bringing a magnificent climax, so even during terrestrial broadcasts so far, many viewers tweeted on SNS at the same time and the “Balus Festival” became established. It is also used as an Internet term meaning “perish” or “end”, and it is an example of the deep-rooted popularity of the same work even now, 36 years after its release.
This work will be the first work of Studio Ghibli, which was launched by Director Miyazaki after the release of the movie “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind” (1984).
This month, NTV has a lineup of Studio Ghibli works for three consecutive weeks. Following “- Laputa” on the 12th, “My Neighbor Totoro” (1988) on the 19th, and “Whisper of the Heart” (1995) on the 26th are all scheduled to be broadcast uncut. Related facilities for these works are scheduled to open at Ghibli Park, which will open in Aichi on November 1st.