The anime movie “Ryoma! “Released on September 3rd. “The Prince of Tennis The Prince of Tennis” is the original author and executive producer of Takeshi Konomi, and Junko Minagawa, who plays Ryoma Echizen, will appear on YouTube. The main video of “RAP FESTIVAL,” which contains the lap battle scenes of Ryoma and the tennis gang, has been unveiled.
The original is the manga “The Prince of Tennis” (Shueisha Jump Comics) by Takeshi Konomi, whose serialization started in 1999 at Shueisha’s “Weekly Shonen Jump.” It has exceeded the cumulative circulation of 60 million copies. Currently, “New Prince of Tennis” is serialized in Shueisha “Jump SQ.”
This work, which was decided to be released 21 years after the serialization started, is the first movie version of 3DCG animation in the series and will be screened in two types, and different scenes. It is an entirely original story by the original author, Kaoru, and serves as an executive producer. Three days after winning a fierce battle with Ryoma University Junior High School in the national tournament, Ryoma Echizen embarks on a solo tennis warrior training trip to the United States. At the site, I encountered a classmate, Sakuno Ryuzaki, who was visiting the United States on a family trip, entangled in a gangster.
When Ryoma releases the ball to help Sakurano and the ball released by a person in a mysterious wheelchair collide, space-time begins to distort. The two slip back in time to the United States when Ryoma’s father was called “Samurai Minami Jiro.” In this video, which was delivered to coincide with Xu’s 51st birthday, Sakurano was entwined with tennis gangsters Wolf (CV: Tomokazu Sugita), Boo (CV: Shunsuke Takeuchi), and Fu (CV: Ryota Takeuchi). A scene where Ryoma breaks into the place where she is and becomes a lap battle. Three strong men with golden tennis rackets threaten Ryoma with rap, but Ryoma also provokes back and overwhelms the opponent in both tennis and rap.
Forgiveness for seeing this video is “cool !! I was impressed. On the other hand, Minagawa, who played Ryoma for the first time in the rap, saw the completed video for the first time and said, “It was worth the effort for both Ryoma and the wolfs.” At the party, a message from Sugita, who will play Wolf’s role for the first time in the series, will also be released. In the video, he showed Sugita-bushi from beginning to end, such as his feelings for Tenipuri about his favorite character. A naked episode that he initially thought he would refuse the rap scene. In addition, images of everyone, including Shusuke Fuji, Ryoma’s older brother Ryoga, and characters that have not been lifted until now are also released.
There is also an episode in which Kaoru was particular about having the staff make corrections to the last minute. Expectations are even higher for what kind of appearance will appear in the main story. In addition, comments from rapper Shinpeita, who participated in this song as RAP cooperation and achieved the first complete conquest of the music program “Freestyle Dungeon,” and details of the second pre-sale Mubichike card were also announced. The purchase privilege is a double-sided A-side poster visual A4 transparent file with the poster graphic and the original illustration drawn by Kaoru on the front and back. For details on the theaters that will be sold, please visit the official website.
Anime movie “Ryoma! The Prince of Tennis “The Prince of Tennis” will be released nationwide from September 3rd. [RAP cooperation, Shinpeita comment] YO! Shinpeita Z! !! At the time of production in 2017, I couldn’t believe that the rap battle scene would appear in the Tenipuri movie. I’m glad that in 2021, I feel like I’m in a world where I can believe even if that happens. Disagreeable. Can’t you think it is thinking calmly? ?? Anyway, it’s up. Thank you for being involved.
PEACE The new movie version of The Prince of Tennis” will be released nationwide from September 3rd. [RAP cooperation, Shinpeita comment] YO! Shinpeita Z! !! At the time of production in 2017, I couldn’t believe that the rap battle scene would appear in the Tenipuri movie. I’m glad that in 2021, I feel like I’m in a world where I can believe even if that happens. Disagreeable. Can’t you think it is thinking calmly? ?? Anyway, it’s up.
Thank you for being involved. PEACE The new movie version of The Prince of Tennis” will be released nationwide from September 3rd. [RAP cooperation, Shinpeita comment] YO! Shinpeita Z! !! At the time of production in 2017, I couldn’t believe that the rap battle scene would appear in the Tenipuri movie. I’m glad that in 2021, I feel like I’m in a world where I can believe even if that happens.
Disagreeable. Can’t you believe it is thinking calmly? ?? Anyway, it’s up. Thank you for being involved. PEACE The new movie version of The Prince of Tennis” will be released nationwide from September 3rd. [RAP cooperation, Shinpeita comment] YO! Shinpeita Z! !! At the time of production in 2017, I couldn’t believe that the rap battle scene would appear in the Tenipuri movie. I’m glad that in 2021, I feel like I’m in a world where I can believe even if that happens. Disagreeable. Can’t you think it is thinking calmly? ?? Anyway, it’s up. Thank you for being involved. PEACE The new movie version of The Prince of Tennis” will be released nationwide from September 3rd. [RAP cooperation, Shinpeita comment] YO! Shinpeita Z! !! At the time of production in 2017, I couldn’t believe that the rap battle scene would appear in the Tenipuri movie. I’m glad that in 2021, I feel like I’m in a world where I can believe even if that happens. Disagreeable. Can’t you think it is thinking calmly? ?? Anyway, it’s up. Thank you for being involved.
PEACE The new movie version of The Prince of Tennis” will be released nationwide from September 3rd. [RAP cooperation, Shinpeita comment] YO! Shinpeita Z! !! At the time of production in 2017, I couldn’t believe that the rap battle scene would appear in the Tenipuri movie. I’m glad that in 2021, I feel like I’m in a world where I can believe even if that happens. Disagreeable. Can’t you think it is thinking calmly? ?? Anyway, it’s up. Thank you for being involved.
PEACE The new movie version of The Prince of Tennis” will be released nationwide from September 3rd. [RAP cooperation, Shinpeita comment] YO! Shinpeita Z! !! At the time of production in 2017, I couldn’t believe that the rap battle scene would appear in the Tenipuri movie. I’m glad that in 2021, I feel like I’m in a world where I can believe even if that happens. Disagreeable. Can’t you think it is thinking calmly? ?? Anyway, it’s up. Thank you for being involved. PEACE