The TV anime “Pocket Monsters,” being broadcast every Friday at 6:55 on TV Tokyo, is a new series of TV anime “Pocket Monsters” featuring a girl, Rico, and a boy, Roy, on April 14, 2023. They announced that it would be broadcast on Friday.
The TV anime “Pocket Monsters” began broadcasting in 1997. Until now, the title has changed with each release of the original game, and it has depicted the adventures of the main character Satoshi, Pokémon, and his friends.
And in April 2023, the camera, following Satoshi and Pikachu’s adventures for 25 years, will have a new perspective. A new dream and experience set in the entire Pokémon world begin!
In the excellent news that is currently open, many Pokemon, including Nyaoha, Hogeta, and Kwass, who appeared in the latest Pokemon software for Nintendo Switch, “Pocket Monster Scarlet Violet,” as well as the legendary Pokemon The appearance of “Black Rayquaza” in a different color…
A new teaser visual featuring Rico, Roy, Nyaoha, Hogeta, and Kwassu has been released this time! In addition, illustrations of Rico’s various facial expressions have also been lifted for the first time.
More information about the new series will be announced one after another in the future TV anime “Pocket Monsters”! Stay tuned for further news!