“Tomodachi Game” by Sato Yuu, based on the original work by Yamaguchi Mikoto, was completed for the September issue of Bessatsu Shonen Magazine (Kodansha), released today, August 8th.
“Tomodachi Game” is a story about five high school friends, Katagiri Yuuichi, Mikasa Tenchi, Sawaragi Shiho, Shibe Makoto, and Kokorogi Yutori, who are forced to participate in the mysterious “Tomodachi Game” to repay their debts and are driven into a corner.
It has been serialized in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine (Kodansha) since 2013 and was made into a live-action drama and a live-action movie in 2017. In addition, a new live-action drama titled “Tomodachi Game R4” will be broadcast on TV in 2022.
To commemorate the series’ completion, we have posted congratulatory comments from Kobayashi Chiaki and Ukisho Hidaka, who played Katagiri Yuuichi in the TV anime “Tomodachi Game” and TV drama “Tomodachi Game R4.”
The book also includes a conversation between Yamaguchi and Sato. The final 26th volume of “Tomodachi Game” will be released on October 8th. It will consist of a bonus episode exclusive to the book.