The Detective Conan Theater’s latest work, “Detective Conan Black Iron Fish Shadow (Submarine)” (released on April 14, 2023), as shown in the special report, Ai Haibara, will be featured.
My first love was Ai Haibara, and even now, my ideal female image is Ai Haibara, who has been in love for 25 years. Anime now! Animation! Detective Conan and Ai Haibara have greatly influenced my anime-related work as the editor-in-chief. At the “Let’s Talk with Mr. Gosho Aoyama Day” held at the beginning of the year in Tottori Prefecture, I participated with my girlfriend, who was dating that day, and told him, “My first love is Ai Haibara!” It’s a good memory.
In the special report, one part of the line in the play, “I have changed, so believe me,” is revealed, and it can be said that Ai Haibara is one of the characters who changed greatly in their work. In this article, we will introduce the change and charm of Ai Haibara, focusing on the movie version of Detective Conan.
The theatrical version first appearance of “Magician at the End of the Century” Ai Haibara first appeared in the movie version of Detective Conan in the 1999 release “Magician at the End of the Century.”
This is the third theatrical version, and it was a gorgeous work in which popular characters such as Kaitou Kid and Heiji Hattori also appeared in the theatrical performance for the first time. In this work, Ai Haibara participates in Dr. Agatha’s quiz at the theater, now an annual event, with the Detective Boys carrying a bag with Ayumi and a different color.
For the fundamental stance of “look at the handiwork.” Even when Haibara answered Dr. Agatha’s quiz correctly, Genta made a statement that confirmed, “Haibara, you’re a member of the Detective Boys, aren’t you?” It’s a sense of distance.
Also, Haibara has often been in charge of investigating incidents in recent years, but in this work, Dr. Agatha was in order. As for the relationship with Dr. Agatha, you can see that she looks after she lost her driver’s license and takes care of her the same as now. Personally, Conan lost his life, didn’t he? I can’t get enough of the “stupid…” muttered in that scene. Haibara will appear in all subsequent movie versions.
“Countdown to Heaven” cannot be omitted when discussing Haibara. When discussing Haibara’s sorrow in theatrical work, I think it can be roughly divided into before, “Countdown to Heaven,” and after. Released in 2001, this is the first movie to feature gin and vodka.
As a result, the work depicts Haibara being chased by the Black Organization and thinking about Haibara’s (Shiho Miyano) older sister, Akemi Miyano, who passed away. Also, did Dr. Agatha change Haibara’s side of the black organization? Ai Haibara, who may be a traitor,” is drawn, such as the lineAi Haibara”.
This is a valuable work where you can see Ai Haibara, who is entirely different from the one she trusts now. This work is a masterpiece with a 30-second game, a story about rice at camp, and Haibara’s fashionable wavy hair. You must catch every line and cut. Haibara’s pronoun “I am a pass” is also activated multiple times in this work. This a must-see job for Haibara fans who can enjoy the cool Haibara, the weak Haibara, the nasty Haibara who wants the faces of people in need, and many Haibara.
Haibara as Conan’s partner, “Ghosts of Baker Street,” Released in 2002. This is the first work since “Countdown to Heaven.” Haibara Ai begins to be drawn from this work as Conan’s partner, leading to recent results. Conan says when the game is over, ”Don’t give up, Kudo-kun. The trust of film also makes some witty yet dark remarks.
At a party, he said to a poorly behaved rich child, “It’s like a condensed view of Japan’s bad hereditary system,” or “Along with such a hereditary system, the history of human error is being repeated.” I produced a devilish coolness that combines cuteness and darkness, different from the peace created by silence and non-participation.
In addition, this line is also a line that implicitly indicates the “blood ties” that are the core theme of this work, and Haibara will mutter the core of the work and closing lines in subsequent works.
This work is also the first time we see Haibara acting like a child in a theater. “Something like that. You said a lot on the news yesterday.”