In the fourth episode of the anime Dungeon Meal, Marcil and Zon argue while kneading bread, and there are many tsukkomi, saying, ‘The picture is chaotic’ and ‘Let’s choose one or the other.’

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In the 4th episode of the anime ” Dungeon Meal, ” which has been broadcast since January 25th, Marcil (CV: Ayaka Senbongi ) and the orc Zon (CV: Mitsusuke Goto) have a heated argument while making bread. “Don’t fight while kneading bread, lol,” and “Let’s go one way or the other,” drawing laughter from the viewers.

The anime “Dungeon Meal” is based on the popular manga by Ryoko Kui, which has sold over 10 million copies (including digital versions). This is a fantasy story in which the swordsman Raios (CV: Kentaro Kumagai) and his friends aim to traverse a dungeon while using the attacking monsters as food.

In the third episode of the previous broadcast, Raios discovered the surprising identity of the mysterious monster “Moving Armor.” Raios has a strong interest in monsters and is a monster geek” with an insatiable inquisitive mind that makes him interested in taste. Delighted with the knowledge of the biology of moving armor, he quickly exclaimed, No one has noticed this until now,” and If we announce this, the industry will be shocked.” Seeing him with his pupils dilated with excitement, his friend Chilchak (CV: Tomari Asuna) was disgusted and said, It’s disgusting that he talks so fast when talking about monsters.”

Raging Raios has become a hot topic on the internet, with comments such as, He’s crazy, Raios, with his bulging eyes, is scary; his behavior has become even more bizarre in the anime,” andRaios, who talks so fast, is funny.”

In the latest episode 4, “Cabbage Boiled/Orc,” Raios and his friends decide to make bread in an orc village. While they were working hard, Zon began to tell the history of the orcs, who were killed and their territory taken away by humans and elves. However, Marcil retorted, saying, “Orcs have also killed many other races,” and the two argued. Even though they were seriously discussing their respective races, Marcil didn’t stop kneading bread, and halfway through, Zon also started kneading bread.

Coupled with the careful depiction of bread making, the comments include, The pictures are chaotic,” Say it one way or the other,” I don’t like this,” It’s disgusting that you’re kneading bread while arguing,” Don’t argue while kneading bread.” The viewers couldn’t help but laugh. Also, it seems that many people were made to think about the conflict between races, saying, The argument between Marcil and Orcs is a microcosm of the conflicts that have existed up until now,” and “I never expected to see a racial conflict depicted in a dungeon.”

Episode 4 “Boiled Cabbage/Oak”

Raios and his friends stop by the campsite where Senshi usually makes his base. A golem, a magical creature made of earth, appears before the group. When Senshi immobilizes the golem in a practiced manner, fresh vegetables grow on the back of the fallen golem. Senshi uses the golem’s body as a field to grow vegetables.

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