Japanese Boss Punches Employee Who Ignored Stay Home Order for Coronavirus Risk

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Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has announced an official highly sensitive situation in Tokyo, just as the prefectures of Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka. Individuals are prescribed to avoid going outside of the prefecture.

In any case, a worker of a development organization in Yamagata Prefecture would not remain at home and even went right over the fringe to Sendai, in Miyagi Prefecture, on his vacation day.

Hence, his supervisor advised him to remain at home from fill in as a precautionary measure against possibly spreading the contamination to his colleagues and any other person he could come into contact with en route. Be that as it may, the worker, who is in his 20s, overlooked the request and appeared at a place of work in Yamagata’s Sakata City on Wednesday.

After the supervisor discovered, he gave an on location censured to the worker by punching him in the face and striking him in the head, as per Yomiuri.

With the current coronavirus emergency everywhere throughout the world and the worker’s refusal to adhere to security guidelines, a few people found what the chief did as something honorable. In any case, police didn’t mess with this and the administrator was captured.

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