The highly anticipated special edition of the anime “My Hero Academia” titled “My Hero Academia Memories” (consisting of 4 episodes) is currently airing, starting from April 20th. The poignant scene of Shoto Todoroki (CV: Yuki Kaji) reaching out to his father, the very person who shattered their family, has left viewers in awe, with many proclaiming, “Shoto has transformed the Todoroki family,” and “Todoroki is the true hero of the Todoroki family.” This emotional moment truly resonated with me.
The anime “My Hero Academia” (also known as Hero Academia) is an adaptation of the immensely popular manga by Kohei Horikoshi, currently serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump” and boasting a staggering 100 million copies sold worldwide. Set in a world where 80% of the population possesses unique abilities known as “Quirks,” the series chronicles the journey, battles, and friendships of the protagonist, Izuku Midoriya (CV: Daiki Yamashita), and his classmates. The seventh season of the TV anime is set to premiere on May 4th, and the fourth movie is scheduled for release on August 2nd, 2024.
The second episode of the special edition aired last time depicts a fierce battle between the No. 1 hero, All Might (CV: Kenta Miyake ), and the enemy villain alliance All For One (CV: Akio Otsuka ). It was. All Might was cornered by his nemesis, All for One, but he did not give up, saying, “A hero has a lot to protect, All for One.” “That’s why I won’t give up!”
To create a world where everyone can live in laughter, All Might use all his power to defeat his powerful enemy. The image of him continuing to be a hero even when he’s broken down makes me think, “No matter how many times I see him, I still hold my breath.” All Might will forever be a symbol of peace. “He’s the best No. 1 hero after all! “bringing tears to the viewers.
The latest episode 3, “Heroes: Thoughts,” depicts an episode about Deku’s classmate Shoto Todoroki and his family. Shoto’s father is the pro hero Endeavor (CV: Toru Inada).
Endeavor rigorously trained Shoto from an early age to make him a “hero that surpasses All Might,” which caused friction in the family. Endeavor was shocked when he discovered that Dabi (CV: Hiro Shimono ) of the enemy alliance was his eldest son, who was thought to have died in a forest fire. Shouto also hated his father, who tore his family apart, but he held his hand to the heartbroken Endeavor, saying, “When you’ve finished crying, stand up. Let’s all go stop Touya-nii.”
Seeing Shoto trying to approach his father, people on X (formerly Twitter) posted comments such as, “This touches my heart,” “Todoroki is the hero of the Todoroki family,” and “Shoto changed the Todoroki family.” There were many voices of praise.