Panther Kei Mukai ‘Pretty Cure’ guest voice actor appeared in the role of himself ‘I’m delighted!!’

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Owarai trio Panther Kei Mukai will broadcast the anime “Tropical-Rouge!” On the 15th. Precure” (abbreviation: Tropri every Sunday 8:30 before ABC TV / TV Asahi series) It was announced on the 10th that a guest voice actor would appear as the person himself in episode 24. Many celebrities such as Audrey and FUJIWARA have appeared in the past “Pretty Cure” series as the person himself. Still, Mukai seems like the person who acts as the moderator MC of the TV program that appears in the play.

Mukai has been professing “I like Pretty Cure” and talking about its charm and the influence he received in the media. Regarding the reason for the appointment, program producer Takashi Tanaka (ABC Animation) said, “I saw Mr. Mukai talking about pretty Cure’with an unusual sense of temperature, and I would like Mr. Mukai to share that amount of heat with Tropri. I wanted to support from the Precure side as well, so I made an offer this time. “

The appearance was decided, and Mukai said, “(Pretty Cure) I started watching from” HUG! Precure “, but the work was so exciting. I talked about what impressed me on the radio for about 30 minutes. While confessing his love for Precure, he said, “When I received the script, there were about eight times as many lines as I expected (laughs) !!” No, it’s a little heavy to that extent “(laughs). As it is my favorite work, my anxiety has grown. “

“There was a scene where I said my name, and I was the MC of the show, but even though I didn’t do so much real MC (in the real world), I realized that dream in Precure. I was able to appear in Precure, I was able to MC on TV, and I was able to make two of my goals come true. “Smiley.

The appeal of Precure is that even if an adult sees it, “it must be cherished” and “problems that must be considered now” are firmly contained on time. It is not something that only children can enjoy, but adults can also watch it. I think the biggest thing is that you can feel something. “

Under such circumstances, I met Cure Summer and Cure Lamer and said, “It’s already the best. I usually work in groups of three, but I would like to work in three like this. It’s more comfortable than Panther. Three people are so good! (Laughs) It feels like a new Panther. It’s comfortable! “

The motif of “Pretty Cure,” the 18th work in the series, is the sea and cosmetics. A story of girls moving vigorously under the theme of “Let’s do the most important thing now!” In a seaside town with the image of a tropical country.

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