It was announced that an entirely new short animation, “KUROMI’S PRETTY JOURNEY,” featuring Sanrio’s famous character “Kuromi” as the main character, will be distributed on Kuromi’s official YouTube channel and TikTok from the 17th. Finally, Kuromi will be the anime’s main character, and new characters, such as the missing older sister “Romina” will also appear.
Ano Kuromi, who is in charge of the ED theme of “KUROMI’S PRETTY JOURNEY,” is a character born in Sanrio’s first TV anime series, “Onegai My Melody,” which was broadcast for four years from 2005, and is popular Sanrio character last year.
A character that is rapidly gaining popularity, especially among Generation Z, as it has entered the top 3 for the first time in the voting project “Sanrio Character Award.” She is carrying out the “# World Kuromi plan.”
“KUROMI’S PRETTY JOURNEY” will be a new short anime featuring Kuromi as the main character in 21 episodes. The story of Kuromi traveling worldwide searching for her missing older sister Romina will be the first appearance in the same work.
Romina is cool, cute, and mysterious, and Kuromi’s admiration disappeared when Kuromi was little. In addition, new characters will appear one after another, such as friends who travel with Kuromi and members of an evil organization that interferes with their travels. Visuals such as Kuromi’s henchman Baku”, Kuromi’s childhood friend Greco”, the bat-looking Corymo”, and the mysterious babyKoni” has been released.
The ending theme is “Fuhen” by ano, also known as “Ano-chan,” who is widely active as a singer, actress, and model. The number full of sprinting will liven up Kuromi’s journey. and commented, “Sekaikan Ozaki of CreepHype wrote and composed the song and gave me something called ‘Fuhen.’ Since it will be the anime’s ending theme, I hope this song will reach as many people as possible.
The anime released a teaser video today, on the 14th. From noon on the 17th, episodes 1 to 3 will be distributed on Kuromi’s official YouTube channel and TikTok. Three episodes will be released every Friday.
Also, in commemorating this release, Kuromi and “Galaxy Harajuku” will collaborate for a limited time. Collaboration content with Kuromi will be developed throughout the hall, and “KUROMI’S PRETTY JOURNEY” will be broadcast on a large screen at the “Galaxy Theater” on the 5th floor (from February 17th to March 31st).