A unique anime PV of the manga version “Kamonogatari” by Ogure Ito has been released on YouTube’s magazine channel.
Staff members such as Shaft, director Akiyuki Shinbo, Yukihiro Miyamoto (director), Akio Watanabe (animation character design and animation director), who are familiar with the anime “Bakemonogatari” series, gathered together, and the cast of Hiroshi Kamiya, who played the role of Koyomi Araragi, is also an anime version. Same as above.
The PV of about 3 minutes starts from the monopoly of the Araragi calendar, Hitagi Senjougahara (Chiwa Saito), Mayoi Hachikuji (Emiri Kato), Suruga Kanbaru (Miyuki Sawashiro), Nadeko Sengoku (Hanazawa). The voices of Kana) and Tsubasa Hanekawa (Yui Horie) are also included.
The manga version of “Kamonogatari” is a comicalized version of Nisio Isin’s masterpiece by Mr. Ogure of “Air Gear” and has been serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” since 2018. The special edition of the 16th volume of the latest comic contains the layout of the anime PV.