The TV anime “My Dress-Up Darling (Bisque Doll) is in love” based on Shinichi Fukuda’s manga serialized in “Young Gangan” (Square Enix), will be broadcast from January 2022. Do you get it? It was also announced that Hina Suguta would play gal and cosplayer Kaimu Kitagawa, and Shoya Ishige will play Shinna Gojo, a high schoolboy.
Mr. Naoda said, “I was shocked to read the original story, and it was a dazzling world filled with love, cosplay, longing, hobbies, and various” likes “…! I’m pleased. I’m Kaimu-chan, who is so straight to my feelings that I feel comfortable, so I also face each other straight and challenge each recording. I’m glad if you wait, and I’d be happier if this work could join the ranks of everyone’s “likes.” Thank you! “
Mr. Ishige said, “In a word,” My Dress-Up Darling is in love. “It’s just precious. It’s squeaky. And above all, it’s” beautiful. ” I am delighted to be able to live. I will do my best to deliver a fantastic view of the world of dress-up darling, valuing the purity and depth of the bosom of China, who is a small-minded person and is not good at self-assertion. Please look forward to the broadcast from January! “
“My Dress-Up Darling is in love” has been serialized in the same magazine since 2018. A romantic comedy about the love between a high school boy, Shinna Gojo, who is training to become a headteacher who makes the faces of Hina dolls, and Kaimu Kitagawa, a gal who likes anime and games. The animation is directed by Keisuke Shinohara and produced by CloverWorks.