The 3D action shooting game “Alice Gear Aegis,” which will celebrate its 4th anniversary on Saturday, January 22, 2022, will be made into TV animation. In commemoration of the animation, the TV animation unique news PV containing new narration and voice has been lifted. In addition, comments from director Hirokazu Hanai and the original producer Junichi Kashiwagi (pyramid), who talk about their enthusiasm for the work, have also been released.
“Alice Gear Aegis” is a 3D action shooting game where you fight against the mysterious mechanical life from Weiss while guiding girls called “Actress.” The story of attractive characters and the exhilarating and straightforward action scenes have been well received.
In addition, the development of plastic models had become a hot topic even before it was made into media, and it is expanding widely to related books such as CDs, comics, and character goods. The plastic model products with OVA benefits released last summer were popular because they were sold out on the same day.
And this time, in response to the voice of fans who are eager to make TV animation, TV animation is finally realized!
Following the popular OVA, the production was decided by director Hirokazu Hanai & Nomad’s tag. Also, the official TV anime teaser site will be released from January 21 (Friday). In the future, information on anime will be released one after another.