The second incredible “Blood Halloween Edition” of the TV anime “Tokyo Revengers” based on Ken Wakui ‘s manga “Tokyo Revengers” serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” (Kodansha) will start in July. In response, Takumi Kitamura, an actor who plays the main character, Takemichi Hanagaki, commented on the live-action movie released on July 9.
Mr. Kitamura said, “I feel like I’m walking with manga, anime, and movies. I’m thrilled to be involved in this work. The second cool! It’s even hotter.
I’m looking forward to it.” Shotaro Mamiya, who plays the role of Tetsuta Raresaki in the live-action movie, also said, “The firm popularity of the new Yankee manga, Tokyo Revengers, and the animation and live-action movies derived from it are out in the world at the same time. The situation is ultimately a Revengers whirlwind. Whether you are a fan of the original work or a person who came from an anime or movie, please enjoy the charm of each job. “
The artist Nakimushi, who is in charge of the ending theme “Tokyo Wonder.” For the second cool of the TV anime, he said, “Thank you very much for being in the order of the ending theme song for such a calm and cool anime. I especially love it!
I’m looking forward to the brain from July! “Ken Wakui, known for “Shinjuku Swan,” started serializing this work in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” in 2017. Takemichi, a bad part-time jobber at the bottom of his life, revenge to save his lover and change himself as he keeps running away. Takemichi learns that his junior high school lover, Hinata, was killed by the worst and worst villainous coalition, Tokyo Revengers, and makes a time leap in junior high school 12 years ago, which was the peak of his life.
TV animation is being broadcast on MBS, TV Tokyo, and others. The live-action movie will be released on July 9.