It has been decided that a sequel to the anime “SHAMAN KING” will be produced. The story revolves around the main character, Yoh Asakura, and Anna’s son, Hana, and a video showing the situation is released in the sequel.
It was announced after the final episode of the anime “SHAMAN KING” broadcast on TV Tokyo on the 21st today, and there are two new videos. The ban on visuals has also been lifted.
One is the figure at the time when Manta, Anna, Lotus, Ryunosuke, Horohoro, Faust VIII, Lyserg, Chocolab, and Jeanne were drawn around the leaves and Hao, and they were fighting for the position of Shaman King. The other is a design that depicts the grown leaves, Anna, Lotus, Ryunosuke, Holo Holo, Risergu, Choco Love, Tamao, and flowers “7 years later”.
“SHAMAN KING” is a story in which Yoh Asakura, a boy who can see the spirit, participates in Shaman Fight, which decides the top of Shaman, and fights with her friends to become Shaman King. Based on a popular manga that has surpassed 38 million copies in the series, it was first made into a TV animation in 2001 and is an entirely new work based on “SHAMAN KING-Shaman King-KC Complete Edition” published by Kodansha “Magazine Edge”. The anime started broadcasting in April 2021.
In addition, “Shaman King FLOWERS”, which is the sequel to the original manga depicting the story of Hana Asakura, the main character of this anime sequel, was serialized in “Jump Kai” (Shueisha) from 2012 to 2014.