The first episode of the TV anime “Sousou no Freelen,” which is based on the popular manga that was selected as the grand prize at the “Manga Award 2021”, will be a two-hour special on the Nippon Television movie frame “Friday Road Show” on the afternoon of September 29.
It was revealed that it will be broadcast from 9 o’clock. This is the first time that the first episode of a TV anime series will be posted on a Friday roadshow. After the first episode, it will be broadcast in a new anime slot on Nippon Television, which will open in October. Details such as the broadcast date and time of the new animation frame will be announced later.
The first episode will be titled “Funeral Free Len First Time 2 Hour Special ~Departure Chapter~” and will depict the drama of Free Len after defeating the Demon King and the hero Himmel, Free Len’s new journey, encounters, and more. A PV featuring the brave party that defeated the demon king with Freelen was also released on YouTube.
“Soso no Free Len” is a manga written by Shoto Yamada and illustrated by Abetsukasa and will be serialized in “Weekly Shonen Sunday” (Shogakukan) in April 2020. A “sequel” fantasy that depicts the story after a group of heroes defeats the demon king. Freelen, a wizard who defeated the demon king and has a long life because of her elf, experienced the death of her companion and traveled to know people. The cumulative circulation of comics is over 8.5 million copies.
The anime will be directed by Keiichiro Saito (“Bocchi the Rock!”), and the music will be composed by Evan Cole (NHK Taiga drama “13 in Kamakura”). Produced by Madhouse, such as “Summer Wars.” In addition to Atsumi Tanezaki playing the main character, Freelen, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Hiroki Higashiji, and Yoji Ueda will appear as voice actors.