Studio Ghibli’s animated film “How do you live?” (directed by Hayao Miyazaki) was released on the 14th with almost no pre-publication publicity. The story in advance is also a secret, and the pamphlet will not be sold on the day. Although there were some doubts about the thorough “information blockade” strategy, when it was released, many media outlets picked up the story as “unusually unpromoted.”
It is the latest work by the master who has withdrawn his retirement declaration. While it is attracting much attention, the reporters have struggled because there is little official information.
Tend to be reluctant to touch the contents even after publication
The media has been active, and many articles have been published about the film from the day before its release. Even on Yahoo News alone on the 14th, nearly 100 articles were distributed from television, newspaper companies, and Internet media. The fact that so many articles appeared means the first day’s advertisement succeeded.
The method of reporting was also roughly divided into two forms. Major media, such as television, convey the image of the work to viewers without spoiling it by first telling them that there is no “unusual publicity” without mentioning the content of the work and then picking up the impressions of the customers who have seen it. I was trying
On the other hand, the internet-main media tried to touch on the contents of the work after refusing that “there are spoilers,” but the impression was kept lightly. Articles with detailed descriptions tended to be avoided. It will be difficult to write because the material is lacking.
It is difficult to set the “spoiler” line.
Interestingly, while avoiding “spoilers,” an article also introduced the early story that the official has not announced. Since there is no official information now, it is difficult to set the “spoiler” line, and, strangely, it is impossible to judge “what the spoiler is.”
From the side of writing articles, it is difficult to convey the contents of the work without introducing the story, so I can see the feeling that “The movie has been released, so if it’s just a touch …”, and if other media reports, “Well then. , Is it okay to use our media?”
For the theme song of the same work, the popular artist revealed the background of the offer and his thoughts on Twitter, but he avoided mentioning the content of the work, which stands out for the lack of information about the job.
In short, as a media, I think it’s like “wait-and-see” while looking at other media and the situation as to how to approach it.
Another problem with media is the need for image materials for the works (especially video media is difficult). A picture on a poster alone will not change anything. Studio Ghibli’s official Twitter provides the picture material, but it has yet to be cut in progress. Anbai around here, how to narrow down the information is also skillful.
Internet “feelings” are overwhelmingly positive.
And about the article on the anime “How do you live?”, there is little official information, and there is little that the media can put out, but on the other hand, there are also articles that make you think of negative elements. Even though it is a highly anticipated masterpiece, it is rather healthy and full of rave reviews and funny stories, with some questioning and critical articles.
At the same time, I am worried about “What is going on?” What’s going on with the data, not the image? On Yahoo! JAPAN’s “real-time search” service, we typed, “How do you live?” 13%). Even in other popular content, the positive is in the 60% and 70% range. It’s a story on the internet, just one piece of data and a reference, but it looks overwhelmingly “advocate” rather than “advocate.” Of course, the measure of a movie’s success or failure is not the amount of media exposure but the box office revenue.
However, by narrowing down the information, the media danced well, and the sense of incongruity will be conveyed to consumers. And in the sense that it succeeded in creating a topic on the first day, it seems to be said that it was “as intended” by the production side.
At least, it seems that there is no doubt that it is “as long as it is enviable” from the point of view of the publicity staff of other movies.