It has been decided that the anime “Sasaki and Miyano,” based on Sho Harusono’s boy’s love manga, will be made into a movie and will be released in 2023 as “Movie Sasaki and Miyano Graduation Edition.” The short film “Hirano and Kagiura” will be screened simultaneously.
“Sasaki and Miyano” depicts the high school life of Yumi Miyano (CV: Soma Saito), who loves BL and has a complex female face, and Hidenari Sasaki (Yusuke Shirai), who is a lousy little senior. The two of them got to know each other for some reason, but Miyano, who passionately talks about BL, gradually attracts Sasaki. From January to March 2022, all 12 episodes of TV animation were broadcast, and the decision to produce new energy was announced in the final episode.
Saito, Shirai, Shimazaki, Matsuoka, and other main casts will continue from the TV anime version. Director Shinji Ishihira, screenwriter Yoshiko Nakamura, and character designer Maki Fujii have also decided to re-enter the board, and Studio Dean will continue to produce the animation.
The short film “Hirano and Kagiura,” which was decided to be screened at the same time, is a spin-off depicting the interaction between Okawa Hirano (Yoshitsugu Matsuoka), who lives in a dormitory with Sasaki’s classmate, and his roommate, Akira Kagiura (Nobunaga Shimazaki). It will work.