The Animated movie “Soreike! Anpanman Dolorin and Bake-ru Carnival” will be released nationwide on June 24th. The 33rd stage in the series is the fun festival Baquel Carnival in the city of cute and entertaining ghosts who can transform into anything. Director Hiroyuki Yano talked about the kind of festival and the cute ghost boy Dolorin who is not good at changing, played by actress Keiko Kitagawa.
Children look forward to the gorgeous and exciting Baker Carnival like an amusement park. Regarding such a bucket carnival, director Yano who took the megaphone of this work, said, “I thought it would be interesting to have a cute and fun world that is the opposite of the image of scary ghosts, and included fun and liveliness.” Commented.
However, only the ghost boy Dolorin, who is not good at transforming, cannot enjoy such a festival and becomes alone. Actress Keiko Kitagawa is in charge of Dolorin’s voice.
Regarding Dolorin, the director said, “I was conscious of making it a cute character, but I had a hard time getting the image of a boy who was not confident in myself. I tried various items such as cloaks and canes, but in the end, I think the big hat has become very cute. “
Dolorin heads to the “Ozomashino Forest” searching for the “Makuro Cloak” that has the world’s most excellent transformation power with the cream panda, but what kind of adventure is waiting for them?
Kitagawa, who plays, commented on the impression of reading the script, “I felt the importance of continuing to make efforts and the courage to take a step forward. I was also encouraged by the appearance of Dolorin trying to overcome his weaknesses. I have sent a comment.
The animation movie “Soreike! Anpanman’s Dolorin and Bakeru Carnival” will be released nationwide on June 24th.