Anime “Love Live! The latest work in the series “Love Live! “Superstar !!” (NHK E-Tele) started broadcasting on July 11th. The first episode met expectations, with a series of live tweets from fans on Twitter and a trend. In this article, the previous “Love Live! While chasing the series and songs, Liella! And “Love Live! We will keep an eye on the style of “Superstar !!”.
“Love Live! Is nothing but a story. The core and theme of each work will be stabbed into the viewer as lines, catchphrases, and various fragments in work. The first work, “Love Live! ] (TOKYO MX and others) and μ’sSpeaking of the theme, “a story that comes true together.” This word is also a kind of magic word that makes you feel like a community, including the fans of the series works that follow. For μ’s, this term may apply not only to the story of the work but also to their musical work. The debut single “Our LIVE Kimi to LIFE” was pre-sold at Comiket in August 2010 and then released to the general public, but at that time, it was limited to the magazine “Dengeki G’s magazine.”
The attention was not good, probably because the voice actors were not announced, and even the unit name was not announced. It should be sealed as an event that reminds us of a difficult time, but the title song of the same work will be shown as a classic song at almost all the performances that followed. It seems as if he dared to carry the regret and rigor of his debut. Also, the song is “Love Live! It should also be emphasized that the first song was shown in “μ’s Final Love Live! ~ Μ’sic Forever”.
The exhilarating pop song “Our LIVE Kimi to LIFE,” which begins with a single-note guitar riff, gives off a fresh mood that erases the unique tension at once while strongly emphasizing the “story that everyone can fulfill” that μ’s has carved. It makes me feel. It’s just a debut single, so I don’t think I chose it for the first song, and I can’t help but feel a strong persuasive power. “Love Live!” Which started gradually from the first half of 2015. “Sunshine !!” and the story of Aqours, there was also an impressive catchphrase here. One girl on the blue beach, the announcement visual was written with the straight word “Help, love live!”. Official website and “Dengeki G’ When I saw the considerable information in the magazine “s magazine,” the confusion and surprise of the love rivers was great.
The previous work was centered around Akihabara, Jimbocho, and Kanda, but it should be noted that this work is centered around Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Just like the one depicted in the film, “Love Live!” Through Aqours’ activities, just like the existence of “local idols” attracting attention in the real-life idol scene. 』The story influenced the land of Numazu.
The mood and economic effects created by the work, Numazu City, and fans are great, and it is also an exciting movement shaped as a co-creation. More than six years after the job was announced, Aqours is still active. The PV of Aqours’ latest song, “DREAMY COLOR,” jumps over the animation of characters and backgrounds and “Love Live! It is the first live-action PV in the series in which nine voice actors appear, and many spots that appeared in the play have also appeared. At the point of contact between anime and reality, whether it’s a different dimension or what makes you think it’s a continuum, this PV is currently being balanced.
The PV of “COLOR” jumps over the animation of characters and backgrounds and “Love Live! It is the first live-action PV in the series in which nine voice actors appear, and many spots that appeared in the play have also appeared. At the point of contact between anime and reality, whether it’s a different dimension or what makes you think it’s a continuum, this PV is currently being balanced.
The PV of “COLOR” jumps over the animation of characters and backgrounds and “Love Live! It is the first live-action PV in the series in which nine voice actors appear, and many spots that appeared in the play have also appeared. At the point of contact between anime and reality, whether it’s a different dimension or what makes you think it’s a continuum, this PV is currently being balanced.