It has been revealed that the TV anime “Kaiyo to Otome to Kamikakushi,” which is based on Nujima’s manga serialized on Shogakukan’s web manga site “Soft Spirits,” will be broadcast in 2024.
The main cast has also been announced, with Ai Fairouz playing Sumireko Ogawa, a female author who loves the occult and alcohol, and Daiki Yamashita playing Ren Adashino, a young man with a baby-faced face who works at the same bookstore as Sumireko.
Fairouz said, “Since the audition, I felt sympathy for Sumireko, who loves the occult, so I’m happy to have a relationship like this. It’s a work with a very mysterious worldview! Please take a look.” comment.
Mr. Yamashita said, “The character has various aspects, such as a self-paced part, a serious part, and a dubious part, so I want to enjoy different expressions for each. Mysteries are fun! I hope everyone will enjoy it!”
The work depicts the combination of Sumireko Ogawa, an aspiring novelist, and Ren Adashino, a young man with a baby-faced face, who challenges the mystery of the last labyrinth left in Reiwa’s “Modern Mystery.” The comic has been released up to volume 5, and the latest volume 6 will be released on July 12th.