The 21st episode of the beloved anime ‘Funeral Freeren’ has been a topic of much anticipation and excitement among fans. This episode, known for its stunning magical battle scenes, features a momentous event (CV: Atsumi Tanezaki ), shattering a barrier believed to be ‘unbreakable even if the heavens and earth are turned upside down.’ This episode’s sheer display of overwhelming magical power has left many viewers in awe.
The anime “Funeral Free Ren” is based on the manga of the same name (original work by Kaneto Yamada/illustration by Tsukasa Abetsu) currently being serialized in “Weekly Shonen Sunday.” The manga became a hot topic after winning the Shinsei Award at the 25th Osamu Tezuka Cultural Award and the Grand Prize at the Manga Awards 2021.
The main character is Freelen, an elf wizard who has lived for over a thousand years. The story begins when she once defeated the demon lord with the hero Himmel (CV: Nobuhiko Okamoto ) and his friends. Still, as time passes, she experiences separation from her companions and embarks on a journey to “get to know people.” It will continue to develop.
In episode 21, “The World of Magic,” Freelen and his friends took on the first exam of the First Class Wizard Exam in a party of three. She tries to break the barrier of the exam hall, which even rain cannot penetrate, for the sake of her friend, who uses water-manipulating magic. Examiner Genau (CV: Tarusuke Aragaki) said, “It’s impossible (for the barrier to break).
Even if heaven and earth are turned upside down,” when Freeland released his magic, it collapsed quickly. Regarding Freelen’s extraordinary magical power, “Freelen is too strong,” “Overwhelmingly strong,” “It was melodious,” “The scene where he shatters the barrier feels so good,” “Freelen’s coolness of flipping heaven and earth after explaining that it’s impossible” “This is abnormal,” the audience said with great excitement.
The collapse of the barrier is dynamically depicted, with “Overwhelming visual beauty. “I was excited to see the addition of movement and music to the original story. “The way the magical production and accompanying music livened up the atmosphere was amazing.” Fans of the original manga received the beautiful depiction well.
Furthermore, Freelen and the court magician Denken (CV: Jiro Saito) face off and engage in a magical battle in the same story. The battle scenes depicting the intense struggle between influential players were impressive and worth watching and were also a hot topic of conversation.
*Atsumi Tanezaki’s “Saki” is officially the character for Tatsusaki.