The anime movie “Violet Evergarden the Movie,” produced by Kyoto Animation, was broadcast for the first time on NTV’s “Friday Road Show” on the 25th. Known as “an anime that will make you cry,” the internet was already full of moving voices such as “I already cried…”, “It’s unfair, this is it,” and “My heart has been purified,” and on Twitter, “#Violet Ever Garden” ranked number one in trends.
It is based on a light novel by Kana Akatsuki and won the grand prize in the novel category at the 5th Kyoto Animation Awards. Kyoto Animation will broadcast the award-winning TV anime from January to April 2018. Violet Evergarden, a girl who was once called “Weapon,” is drawn through the work of “Auto Memory Doll,” a substitute writing business that scoops up the feelings of others and writes letters after the end of the war.
A story until you know. It is a work that has been highly acclaimed as “always crying” and was released in 2020. Recorded a box office hit of 2.13 billion yen and won the Japan Academy Award for Excellence.
The “theater version” that will be broadcast this time depicts Violet’s aftermath. Violet continues to wait, believing that she will meet Major Gilbert someday while gaining experience in the writing business. Then, one day, she receives a letter with an unknown address, and the story takes a big turn.
In “Violet Evergarden,” the 10th episode of the TV anime is called the “always crying” God times. Episode 10 is the story of Clara of the Magnolia family starting to write a secret letter to her only daughter, Anne, with Violet, who she invited. Anne, who knows that her mother doesn’t have much time left, wants her to be with her even for a little while rather than writing a letter to whom she doesn’t know. I want you to let me hold your hand.” And finally, parent-child love beyond imagination is drawn.
The first 10 minutes of the central part of the movie version can be seen on the official YouTube now. And this time, the viewers who watched the Friday roadshow said on the internet, “The one who cried in the first 10 minutes”, “I immediately got one bath towel wet,” “I cry no matter how many times I watch the story of Anne Magnolia’s letter, with a gentle voice. “It’s sly to call me Ann, isn’t it?” “I cry from the very beginning.”