The 100th hit ‘Hit Song’ is the only chart that spans generations. Join the longevity program

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‘Twentieth Century Hit Song’ celebrated its 100th episode and became the only chart show.

KBS Joy ‘Twentieth Century Hit Song’ (in the future ‘Hit Song’), first aired on March 27, 2020, fills 100 episodes with today’s (18th) broadcast. ‘Hit Song,’ which has been met with viewers for about two years with a solid composition, has been loved a lot and has completed its 100th episode.

‘Hit Song’ is a ‘new concept new to music chart show’ that not only summons KBS’s old K-pop program, which contains the history of Korean songs but also quenches the thirst for newtro songs desired by the public and reinterprets 20th-century masterpieces.

‘Hit Song’ introduced various 20th-century music and immersed viewers in memories. While stimulating nostalgia for Generation X and Millennials, it also provided freshness to Generation Z, playing a pivotal role in bridging the world of music from the past to the present.

Also, the most significant point of watching ‘Hit Song’ is that you can look back on the famous songs that are still loved and meet the behind-the-scenes stories related to them. Extra charts and unexpected quizzes are also the hidden fun of ‘Hit Song.’

The chemistry between MCs Heechul Kim and Minah Kim cannot be left out. Heechul Kim is proud of his diverse musical knowledge as he is called ‘Heeki Encyclopedia’ and is progressing without hesitation. Kim Min-ah also aroused sympathy from viewers with her honest and lively process and particular sensibility comparable to Kim Hee-Cheol.

In particular, the driving force that was able to continue up to episode 100 is the steady interest of listeners of ‘Hit Song.’ This is because viewers directly participated in composing the charts and showed a unified image through music. With this, ‘Hit Song’ has succeeded in establishing itself as a 20th-century music chart program that wraps up every Friday night. Expectations are high as to what kind of performance ‘Hit Song,’ which has joined the ranks of the longevity program, will show in the future.

On the other hand, ‘Hit Song 20, a rock favorite song loved by Koreans’ with Kim Jong-Seo, Kim Jung-min, Kim Kyung-ho, and Park Wan-Gyu, the 100th special celebration delegation, can be found on KBS Joy ‘Hit Song’ at 8 pm on the 18th.

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